Legal Notice
Zero.Point.Systems GmbH
Kommingerstraße 48
A‑6840 Götzis
Phone +43 5523 53883 0
Fax +43 5523 53883 4
Email: info @
Managing Directors: Günther Stark, Maximilian Stark
VAT ATU57614709
Commercial register number 243699g
Commercial register Court: Landesgericht Feldkirch
EORI Number ATEOS1000016984
GISA number: 23138483
Purpose of the company: Gewerbliche Ausübung des Patentes Schnellspannzylinder mit Sicherheitsvorrichtung gegen Blockierung
Supervisory authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Feldkirch
Commercial authorization regulation: Austrian trade regulations (in German only)
Member of Chamber of Commerce Vorarlberg
Responsible for content: Maximilian Stark
Art design: Fritz Köhnlein
Coding: GUTKAS digital und datenschutz e.U.
Photos: Zero.Point.Systems GmbH
All content on this website is subject to copyright. Texts, images, and graphics are protected by copyright and other rights protecting intellectual property. The content may not be copied, disseminated, edited or made available to third parties for commercial purposes.