
Innova­tive zero-point quick-release systems

Quick release systems for industry and trade. ​ Zero.Point.Systems® is the leading manufac­turer of modular zero-point quick-action cylin­ders with hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical actuation.

With more than 35 years of experi­ence in quick-change quick-release techno­logy and constant further training of our team, we produce the latest genera­tion of compact and robust quick-release quick-release cylin­ders for every appli­ca­tion. Our products have been sold world­wide by AMF since 2004.

Upgrading or already producing?

Savings with Zero.Point.System

  • 3‑shift opera­tion | 140,250 euros 100% 100%
  • 2‑shift opera­tion | 93,500 euros 66% 66%
  • 1‑shift opera­tion | 46,750 euros 33% 33%

Setup Time





Products for the highest standards

Built-in clamping module K10.2 with 4‑fold indexing

Opening hydrau­li­cally.
Pressure opening: min. 50 — max. 60 bar.
Hardened lid and piston.

Built-in clamping module K10.2

Opening hydrau­li­cally. Blow out pneuma­ti­cally.
Opera­ting pressure opening: min. 50 — max. 60 bar.
Hardened lid and piston.

Built-in clamping module 

Opening hydrau­li­cally. Blow out pneuma­ti­cally.
Opera­ting pressure opening: min. 8 — max. 12 bar.
Opera­ting pressure re-tensio­ning (turbo): min. 5 — max. 6 bar
Repeat accuracy <0.005 mm.
Hardened lid and piston.

Built-in clamping module, flange model

Opening pneuma­ti­cally.
Opera­ting pressure opening: min. 8 — max. 12 bar
Opera­ting pressure re-tensio­ning (turbo): min. 5 — max. 6 bar
Repeat accuracy < 0.005 mm
Hardened lid and piston.

Horizontal quick release cylinder 

Opening hydrau­li­cally.
Opera­ting pressure opening: min. 50 — max. 60 bar.
Repeat accuracy <0.005 mm.
Hardened lid and piston.

Built-in clamping module, round

Opening pneuma­ti­cally. Blow out pneuma­ti­cally.
Opera­ting pressure open:
K5.3 min. 5 bar — max. 12 bar
K10.3 min 5 bar — max. 12 bar
K20.3 min 4.5 bar — max. 12 bar
Hardened lid and piston.

Built-in clamping module, round, screw-in version 

Opening hydrau­li­cally.
Opera­ting pressure opening: min. 50 — max. 60 bar.
Repeat accuracy <0.005 mm.
Hardened lid and piston.